Many updates…

November 5 & 6 Holiday show at the Metroplex – contact Sheila and let her know what days you can demo as soon as possible.

Next meeting is Nov 2, 10 am – note the change in the building, #23 Ruritan. Dues are due for 2023, $20. The program is a weavette snowman, bring a white 4″ square

Holiday luncheon is Wednesday December 7 at MCCTC, as usual. Guests are welcome, let Marilyn know if you will be attending.

Johnda Houston unexpectedly passed away recently. Flowers were sent by the Guild.

Great wheel needs a home – was used for decorative purposes only and may not have all its original parts or is usable.  It has been in a garage for the past 15 years. Contact Tracy for the owner’s details.IMG_0161

YAWG Meeting Reminder

The next meeting of the Youngstown Area Weavers is Monday September 13 at 11 am in the Colonial Inn on the Canfield Fairgrounds.

It is the picnic, bring a covered dish to share.

For the project, worsted weight yarn is recommended for a nicely woven star (the gold one). DK weight is ok (the blue one), but leaves holes when the squares are sewn together. So bring a pin loom and yarn to weave with or 6 squares ready to assemble. Plus the yarn for sewing together, a tapestry needle to fit the yarn, a decorative button if desired and scissors. Instructions and Poly-fill will be provided.

Weaving Book Sale

Katherine Dunlevey – you may remember her little purse creations we saw several years ago – is downsizing her weaving book library. Attached is a list she sent of what is available. At the end is how to contact Katherine if you are interested in any of them.  Check this out soon since she will try to come to our meeting Wednesday and can bring them then. If you are not coming to the meeting and there is something you want, Tracy can pick it up for you.

Katherine’s Book List

Meeting Wednesday Nov 11

There will be a meeting next week! 10 am in the Colonial Inn on the Canfield Fairgrounds. Remember the room is large and we have lots of tables to spread apart. Have a mask to wear.

Dues are due – $20 for the year. If you cannot make it to the meeting, send it to Ken.

Marilyn will be teaching us this cute needle felted garland. We have a bag of colored wool left over from the color spinning a few years ago so will have that available to use. If you have any of these supplies, please bring them:

felting needles, styrofoam or a soft sponge to felt on, wool fleece or roving, open top cookie cutters – lights are pictured, or ornaments, bells, stars, trees… whatever you would like a garland of

wool light garland