Two Opportunities…

Loom for Sale:

4 shaft Macomber, 24″ wide – like new – accessories included – Youngstown area

$400, call Mary Ellen at 330-990-5564 for more info

Navajo Weaving Class:

This came in via the website:

I would like to let the members of the Youngstown Area Weavers Guild
know of an opportunity to learn Navajo Weaving this Summer in Taos, New Mexico.
Pearl Sunrise is an esteemed Tribal Elder and we are honored to be able to offer
her culturally authentic experience here at The Taos Art School In the COOL high
mountains of northern New Mexico.
Please let me know If further information would be appreciated.
Enthusiastically, Ursula Beck
Taos Art School
575 758 0350


Loom for Sale

From the website:
“I have a Schacht Wolf Pup LT loom that I am selling. It is like new and 2 years old. The extras include a High Castle, A Sectional Beam and one extra reed (15 dent), The loom comes with a 12 dent reed. I am asking 1200.00 for the loom cash and it must be picked up. I live in Bethel Park Pa which is a little south of Pittsburgh……I have pictures that I can send them. “

Contact Tracy for the seller’s contact information.

EOH Meeting

Our next meeting will be Saturday, November 19th @ 9:30 a.m. at the Leetonia Library.  The program for this month “German Paper Stars” will be rescheduled due to the auction we will be having.  

 When we combined the guilds we have duplicate books and magazines so we decided that we could auction them off at our next meeting.  For this auction, we are asking that you ONLY bring in weaving, spinning or fiber related items that you want to DONATE.  They will be auctioned off at the meeting and then proceeds will go to the guild.  Some items people have brought in the past were left over spools of yarn, loopers, bluejeans, tools. I thought we could split the money with the YAWG from the sale of the books and magazines, since we had combined the libraries.  The other items sold will go to the EOH guild, as we no longer have dues and this will give a little money if there is need i.e. dyes, warp etc.

How the auction will work is a member will be the auctioneer – Roxanne unless someone else wants to volunteer.  If interested in bidding you will be given a number and usually the treasurer will keep track of who the number belongs to and the items that were sold to who so at the end of auction you can check with treasurer or whoever kept the tally and know what you owe.  Most items in the past would only of for a few dollars, unless you have a bidding war then you can expect to pay a little more.  So bring your dollars!!!

When members bring in items we will have an area to put the items that will be auctioned off.  So after meeting is adjourned you will have time to look at items to see if there is anything you want to bid on.  

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Loom for Sale

Used 4 harness (15 inch wide) table loom for sale. Asking $150. It is located between East Liverpool and Steubenville, Ohio.

Contact Tracy for the seller’s contact information.

Metroplex Holiday Marketplace 2021

Coming up on November 6 & 7…

Sales and demonstrations by YAWG & EOHW

If you are selling anything – please get your items to either Sheila or Tracy by Thursday November 4. Alternately, you can bring them during the set up on Friday November 5 between 11 am and 1 pm at the Metroplex (1620 Motor Inn Dr. Girard 44420)

And remember to label each piece clearly and have a separate list of all your items for Sheila in case tags fall off. Demonstration sign up is through Sheila…reserve your time now…

Any questions, contact Sheila or Tracy